intro tempDTU Chemistry - Katrine Qvortrup - ResearchDTU Chemistry - Katrine Qvortrup - PublicationsDTU Chemistry - Katrine Qvortrup - GroupDTU Chemistry - Katrine Qvortrup - Profile



Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry at University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Cand. Scient. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Southern, DK


Current and most recent positions

March 2021– : Associate Professor at Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

June 16th 2017– : Assistant Professor at Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

2016–2017: Senior Research Scientist at Cambridge University, UK

2014–2016: Senior Research Scientist at DTU

2013 – 2014: Postdoc with Professor David MacMillan, Princeton University, US

2010–2013; Postdoc with Professor Thomas E.  Nielsen, DTU

2006-2008: Research worker (scientist), Santaris Pharma, Copenhagen, Denmark


Funding and awards

2018-2020 Carlsberg Foundation Distinguished Fellowship

2018-2020 Pre-Seed Grant from Novo Nordisk

2018: DTU Discovery Grant

2018-2020 Grant from Novo Nordisk

2016 – 2018 Carlsberg Foundation. Post-doctoral Fellowship

2017: EuCheMS Young Investigator Award

2014 – 2015 Carlsberg Foundation. Equipment Grant

2014 – 2015 EU Grant agreement

2016 – 2017 Carlsberg Foundation. Post-doctoral Fellowship

2009 – 2012 Danish Council for Independent Research - FTP. Post-doctoral Fellowship

2008: Presentation award, ICOON 2008, Melbourne: Selected for a press conference. Interview transmitted on Australian ABC Radio National Radio

2006: Elite PhD Fellowship from Copenhagen University