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Søren Kegnæs’ primary scientific field of interest is within the design of functional nanomaterials, their characterisation and application in heterogeneous catalysis with a specific focus on the synthesis of functional nanoparticles and high surface area materials with controlled porosity.

In the view of Søren Kegnæs one of the most attractive areas of the potential future development is related to the green chemistry due to a number of environmental and economic challenges. It is also an opportunity in the next decade to develop a more green chemical industry by implementing new, highly active catalysts resulting in increased product yield and, therefore, lowered process costs. Therefore, one of the keys to successful science and great discoveries is the collaboration with industry with a focus on understanding of their wishes and needs and the collaboration with other international research groups in the areas of the material development containing metal nanoparticles and their application in heterogeneous catalysis such as e.g. CO oxidation, selective organic reactions for fine and bulk chemicals and biomass conversion.

In his group, the emphasis is placed on the cohesion of the synthesis skills with extensive understanding of heterogeneous catalysis, therefore the obtained materials are optimally adapted to the target applications in heterogeneous catalysis. Furthermore, these investigations are supported by comprehensive experience in characterisation of heterogeneous catalysts, especially within the techniques related to the advanced electron microscopy.

Link: Søren Kegnæs CV.




Søren Kegnæs
DTU Chemistry
+45 45 25 24 02