Project in cooperation with Haldor Topsøe
Today, numerous strategies within biomass utilization are under development. In the Biobased Chemicals laboratory at Haldor Topsøe A/S, we are dedicated to valorization of carbohydrates through catalysis. The main philosophy of our research aims at targeting chemical products with clear structural similarities to the sugars used as reactants. As a result, valuable chemicals, that are troublesome to prepare from fossil feedstock, will be produced from biomass in an economically viable manner.
This project focuses on converting biobased glycolaldehyde, produced in-house with our sugar cracking technology, into tetroses. These 4-carbon atoms sugars are rare and typically costly to produce, but they have potential for their catalytic conversion into high-value chemicals.
The goals of this project are: 1) Theoretical evaluation of the reaction thermodynamics, 2) Understanding reaction mechanisms and kinetics derivation with ex-situ studies at HTAS and in-situ studies using NMR spectroscopy at DTU, 3) Building and operating a simple plug flow reactor to study catalyst productivity and influence of operational flow conditions on the reaction, and 4) Evaluating industrial upscale implementation of the process.
Preceding these studies, it will be required of the student to gain sufficient insight into the field of research of carbohydrates conversion, reaction engineering and chemical kinetics. The project will require hands-on-work.
At the end of the project, we aim at implementing the acquired knowledge towards industrialization of the process. The student will be part of a dynamic, open and international team working towards sustainable chemistry at Haldor Topsøe A/S. Furthermore, the student will gain experience working in chemical industry and a solid foundation in catalysis, reaction kinetics, organic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy and reaction engineering.
Internal supervisor(s): Juan S. Martinez-Espin (jsme@topsoe.com)
University supervisor(s): Sebastian Meier (semei@kemi.dtu.dk)