The objective of the DemoBECCS project is to utilize accurate and robust software tools for modeling and simulating the storage of biogenic CO2 in depleted oil reservoirs. This project also explores how impurities in biogenic CO2 impact storage mechanisms, capacity, and safety.

The project aims to enhance CO2 storage simulation technology by focusing on two key areas:

  • Evaluating the impact of impurities on CO2 storage in depleted oil reservoirs with high water saturation.
  • Integrating thermodynamic modeling and flow simulations to analyze the interplay between multiphase equilibrium and multiphase flow.

The DemoBECCS project addresses the following challenges:

  • Interaction with remaining oil through thermodynamic modeling and flow simulations.
  • Geochemical reactions for salt precipitation due to evaporation or mineralization reactions.

This PhD project, a primary work package within DemoBECCS, collaborates with Chinese partners working on CO2 storage at a Chinese site. The Chinese partners will conduct flooding experiments to integrate their results into the modeling and simulation study.

Expected Impact/Output:
The project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of storing biogenic CO2 at the planned Nini storage site and similar locations. By advancing CO2 storage simulation technologies, the project will:

  • Improve the understanding of impurities in biogenic CO2 and their impact on storage capacity, injectivity, CO2 plume development, and storage mechanisms.
  • Facilitate the optimization of existing capture solvents and processes.
  • Support the development of new phase-change solvents.

Successful outcomes will contribute to the broader goal of implementing BECCS technology in Denmark and China, enhancing the viability of large-scale CO2 storage projects.





Wei Yan
Associate Professor
DTU Chemistry
+45 45 25 23 79


Matin Bagheri
PhD Student
DTU Chemistry