
Electron diffraction is a powerful technique used to study the atomic arrangements in nano- and micro-crystalline materials. This method involves illuminating a crystal with a focused electron beam and examining the resulting diffraction pattern. By analyzing this pattern, it becomes possible to determine the positions and arrangement of atoms within the material.

At DTU Chemistry, we utilize the Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-ED instrument, which is specifically designed for electron diffraction experiments (λ = 0.0251 Å). This equipment enables us to analyze a wide variety of materials, including Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), minerals, proteins, pharmaceuticals, catalysts, and more.

XtaLAB Synergy-ED is equipped with a high-speed/sensitivity photon-counting detector (HyPix-ED), a Gatan Elsa™ cryo-transfer holder (698) for measurements ranging from -173 °C to room temperature (RT), and Hummingbird Scientific furnace heating holder for measurements between RT and 1000 °C. The Synergy-ED system is controlled using the CrysAlisPro software package, which not only manages data collection, but also facilitates seamless workflow from data collection to structure determination.

We provide comprehensive services and welcome collaborations from both industrial partners and academic researchers.


Professor Kasper S. Pedersen

Director, DTU Electron Crystallography Facility

kastp@kemi.dtu.dk; +45 23 60 40 67

Kemitorvet 207, R214, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark


Twitter: @kasperspedersen



Mariusz Kubus


DTU Chemistry

+45 93 51 89 74
