Illustration: Kresten Vestbjerg Andersen

DKK 16 million for new NMR facilities at DTU

Monday 03 Feb 14


Jens Øllgaard Duus
Vice Dean of Education
DTU Learning Lab
The VILLUM FOUNDATION has just granted DKK 16 million for next-generation NMR research at DTU - a project including investments in NMR equipment for studies of organic molecules

“Backed by this grant, we hope to be able to contribute to set up a new and ambitious DTU facility for interdisciplinary studies of organic molecules - from small synthetic, chemical compounds to large polysaccharides in cooperation with leading Danish and international research partners,” says Kjeld Juel Petersen, CEO of the VILLUM FOUNDATION.

The DKK 16 million grant to the project Structure to function in chemistry and biology - new generation NMR at DTU, will allow DTU to conduct cutting-edge NMR research. NMR spectroscopy is one of the key techniques for studying organic molecules, and has therefore been chosen as a strategic initiative at DTU by both the Board of Governors and other participating departments.

“The future prospects of NMR at DTU are very promising. DTU Chemistry has  strong NMR competencies, and now we can make a significant contribution to the development of chemistry and biotechnology at DTU,” explains Professor Jens Ø. Duus, DTU Chemistry.

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