DTU Chemistry in renowned journal Communications Chemistry

Monday 11 Jun 18


Anders Riisager
DTU Chemistry
+45 40 20 81 70


Sebastian Meier
Associate Professor
DTU Chemistry
+45 61 77 92 72
Professor Anders Riisager and Senior Researcher Sebastian Meier are co-authors on an article in Communications Chemistry.

The production of liquid fuels and fine chemicals often depends on the use of high-pressure excess hydrogen gas, fossil resources, and newly prepared metallic catalysts. Lignocellulosic biomass is a promising, renewable alternative substrate for the production of liquid fuels and fine chemicals.

An international research team including Sebastian Meier and Anders Riisager from DTU Chemistry has developed a smart and efficient new process that allows obtaining one of four different valuable chemicals in excellent yield from renewable resources, using a commercial catalyst and easy-to-handle liquid hydrogen donor under mild reaction conditions.

The work is published in the renowned journal Communications Chemistry, which is part of the Nature Research journal portfolio.

Read the article here

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