DTU Kemi

Welcome to DTU Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry performs research, educational activities, and innovation at a high level within e.g. energy, Life Science, catalysis, and materials. The overall aim is to contribute with new knowledge about basic scientific problems and carry out research with vast application perspectives - to the benefit of both society and companies.
Research Areas

The research at DTU Chemistry is very versatile and divided into three main sections:
Physical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry

Under each section, there are associated research areas that DTU Chemistry focus on.
As a chemical engineer, you can help solve the world’s greatest challenges, thus chemical processes and reactions are everywhere around us. 
Read more about the study programmes here.
Get an exciting look into the PhD student's research at DTU Chemistry.
See examples of PhD defenses, video presentations, and how to apply for a PhD-position at the Department.
Download the 'DTU Chemistry' publication and read about the Departmental research, highlights of the year, and grants and honors. 

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